Ocenco M20.2 EEBD FREE SHIPPING available for this item when using UPS Ground. Model #: 1008018 Description:
Ocenco M20.2 (EEBD) Emergency escape breathing devices.Approved according to SOLAS-EC.
Delivered in orange stowage container. The M-20.2 has an operating time of 15-32 minutes depending on the users level of activity and is specifically designed for maritime use. It is maintenance free for 15 years, and do not require any periodic hydrostatic testing. Moreover it simply require visual inspection every second year conducted onboard by ship's personnel.
Weight 1.4 kg, dimension of the orange protective box is only 21*23*10 cm. On all ships, within the machinery spaces, emergency escape breathing
devices shall be situated ready for use at easily visible places, which can be
reached quickly and easily at any time in the event of fire. The location of
emergency escape breathing devices shall take into account the layout of the
machinery space and the number of persons normally working in the spaces.
The number and location of the devices shall be indicated in the fire control
plan required in regulation 15.2.4.
Emergency escape breathing devices shall comply with the Fire Safety Systems Code. Additionally, the M-20.2 has received Type Approval from:
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) • Bureau Veritas (BV)
• Germanischer Lloyd (GL) • Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
• Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) • Nippon Kaisi Kyokai (NK)
• Registro Italiano Navale (RINA).
( Over 325,000 M-20.2 EEBDs Onboard Navy, Coast Guard, Cargo, tanker and cruise ships around the world verify the cost effective, superior design and performance of the Ocenco M-20.2 )
Proven Compressed Oxygen Technology
Superior Performance, World Wide Approvals
15 Year service life
ISO Certified Training Program
IBC/IGC Approved Maritime escape duration of 15 minutes
Over 325,000 M-20.2 EEBDs Onboard Navy, Coast Guard, Cargo, tanker and cruise ships around the world